Twitter Advanced Search: Find Current Trends & Opportunities

Twitter is frequently undervalued as a marketing channel, but those who understand how to use it see its potential. It can help you spot current trends and discover marketing chances where most people only bother to look. In this post, we’ll explore the Twitter advanced search and how to use it to discover opportunities and trends ready to erupt.

What’s Twitter Advanced Search?

Twitter advanced search is a tool accessible to Twitter users that enables you to search for customized tweets, including date ranges, tweets, hashtags, phrases, and much more. It can help you find an old tweet or search for specific keywords for a tweet you had in mind. In addition, it can help you unearth old content and discover fresh content that is about to become viral.

How To Use Twitter Advanced Search?

You must first log onto Twitter to use the Twitter advanced search. Then, you can customize your search options by following the steps below.

1 – Start by going to the search field on Twitter.

2 – Select Advanced Search, available beneath the Search results filter options in the upper right corner of the results page. Next, select More options, followed by Advanced Search.

3 – You should see the menu below after opening the advanced search.

Now in this menu, you may start customizing your search options with various words, phrases, word exclusions, hashtags, data ranges, and more.

Twitter Advanced Search Operators

Several search operators are available in Twitter’s advanced search that may help you zero in on highly specific data.

1 – Words. 

2 – Accounts. 

3 – Places. 

4 – Replies and Links. 

5 – Engagement Level.


1 – The words filter can assist you in finding tweets containing all words in any place on Twitter.

2 – Tweets with precise phrases that match.

3 – Tweets using any combination of words.

4 – Tweets without specific keywords.

5 – Tweets with specific hashtags. 

6 – Tweets in a specific language.


1 – You may seek Tweets from specific accounts in the accounts search area.

2 – Tweets that reference specific accounts as replies.

3 – Tweets with specific accounts mentioned.

This is an excellent technique to see which Twitter accounts are frequently discussed for specific subjects and news.


1 – The locations options allow you to find Tweets sent from a specific geographic location, such as a city, state, or nation.

2 – Select your desired geographical location using the Places dropdown menu.

This helps determine which activities from a specific location are trending.

Replies And Links

1 – The replies and advances in links search feature can help you filter replies and links to specific Tweets.

2 – It will only show replies to specific Tweets.

3 – It can help you filter Tweets with just associated links.

4 – It may also show all Tweets with links.

It’s an efficient approach to limit replies to a specific action, which may help you pinpoint specific components of a Twitter conversation.

Engagement Level

1 – With the engagement search filter, you can quickly find real-time trending Tweets.

2 – You may filter by minimum response rate.

3 – The number of likes on a specific Tweet may be customized.

4 – The number of Retweets can also be specified.

This is an effective technique to drill down on popular and trending Tweets in a specific industry or area.

Twitter Advanced Search Tips

You may be wondering how to use all these advanced search operator options to find trending subjects and possibilities. It is essential, to begin with, the industry you are in or the industry you intend to target. For example, suppose you are in the gaming niche and want to discover the most recent upgrades and gaming trends in the previous 30 days. To help you find trending gaming-related subjects, below are all the advanced search operators that might be used.

Twitter Advanced Search Example

Words Filter

Below, we’ve included often-used words and hashtags that might help us discover a large trending topic relating to gaming. From here, we will continue to explore. However, we will skip the drill-down parts since we want to wait to drill down to specific Twitter accounts.

We specify the Tweets to include replies and original tweets and to show Tweets containing links. This can assist us in finding where a specific gaming trend or topic occurs. And last, we specify the amount of participation. We maintained a minimum of 100 Tweet replies, likes, and retweets. This will help us find a topic that is fascinating on all levels.

We also made care to run the data for the previous month to ensure that we captured recent encounters. This is essential if you want to find products that are currently trending. As a result, we receive some of the results below when you run the search.

The most recent topic in the gaming niche that uses our advanced search options is NFTs and gaming.

The Twitter Advanced Search trend can show us what people, companies, and ideas are trending for a specific industry, allowing us to keep current with what is happening in a specific space.

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