Are you trying to save a friend’s WhatsApp status? Finally, you’ve come to the correct location; continue reading to find the best app to help you save WhatsApp statuses. Snapchat pioneered the concept of fleeting stories. Since then, numerous other social networking platforms, such as WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook, have implemented the same concept. As a result, WhatsApp has acquired sufficient popularity in recent years and is extensively used by people of all ages. In addition to being a conversation and messaging platform, it is also used to share videos and pictures. Find the best WhatsApp status saver apps by following this guide.
The Best WhatsApp Status Saver Apps For Android
While some prefer to conduct research, others prefer to consult an expert. Here’s a comprehensive list of the best WhatsApp Status Saver apps for those who wish to avoid conducting their research. Instead, pick the one that best suits you after looking around.
1. Status Saver For WhatsApp
Are you searching for an app that is simple yet powerful? This option may be appropriate for you. Videos and Images are the two divisions in which it works. It displays an inventory of acquired images and videos that have been inspected. Thus, these files vanish when the actual profile status is removed from the app. The best feature of this app is that the contacts are sorted by download time and contact name, which makes searching relatively simple.
2. Status Saver
This is one of the most straightforward WhatsApp Status Saver Apps you can find, and it includes all of the necessary and necessary features. You can communicate with your contacts, share videos, save WhatsApp status to your phone’s gallery, repost a profile status, and perform various other actions. For example, you can scroll left or right to access pictures and videos from a friend’s status update. The duration of the saved video will be identical to that of the one in the app.
However, this app has a minor drawback. It does not support status searches using the names of contacts. Consequently, regardless of the number of contacts in your directory, you must manually search the videos and images. Despite this minor defect, Status Saver gives its competitors in its category a difficult fight. Nevertheless, it is a strong contender due to its simple, streamlined, and user-friendly interface.
3. Status Downloader For Whatsapp
This is an excellent option if you are searching for a functional WhatsApp status saver app. This simple-to-use app saves your peers’ images, videos, and cherished moments. To accomplish this, you must search for and view the WhatsApp status before launching this app. It will detect and display the status, which can be readily saved to the gallery on your phone. Then, download it immediately to save your preferred WhatsApp status updates.
4. Status Saver – WhatsApp Status Video Download App
This status saver for WhatsApp can be an excellent pick if you want to download one. Unlike other WhatsApp Status Saver Apps, its interface is not green, so if you’re sick of seeing the color green, this is the WhatsApp Status Saver App for you. You can copy GIFs and images; the files are saved in an easy-to-use format, just as with any other status saver app. Unfortunately, it only works on two categories, including videos and images, so you cannot organize your contacts by their names and times. Only by browsing through your contact list is this possible.
5. Status Save To Gallery: Status Saver
This app allows you to save your chosen WhatsApp status. Furthermore, it provides the option to repost the status on your profile and add a picture status to your WhatsApp profile and wallpaper. Additionally, it allows you to share your status on numerous other social media platforms, including Snapchat, Instagram, and Twitter. By deleting or sharing your saved statuses, you can effortlessly manage your saved statuses with this outstanding app. You can also switch between different statuses and verify the status of your acquaintances without letting them know.
The Bottom Line:
Use these robust WhatsApp Status Saver Apps to save humorous images and videos from a friend’s WhatsApp status. But, of course, ensure that you do not violate the privacy of anyone while doing so.